OWL Hardware

Hardware to Power-Up Your Projects

To unlock the power of location data, we have developed hardware for maximum accuracy and efficiency in the field

  • Long Battery Life – Battery life is measured in days and weeks, not hours
  • Functional – Cutting edge GPS, RTK and UWB location technologies.
  • Accurate – Tags use a variety of location technologies, not relying on a single system
  • Robust – To withstand wear and tear of site work. Shockproof and waterproof (IP66 and above rated).
  • Light – The Tags are some of the smallest GPS devices in the world and ideal for personal use due to their size and weight
  • Reliable – Multiple service providers

Tags come in three versions, tailored to provide maximum benefit for your specific needs: Zero, Pro, and Plus.

Plus Device

The Plus Tag is designed for use by people or equipment where a high level of accuracy is required.

Pro device

The Pro device is suitable for equipment, plant, and vehicles that require adequate positioning accuracy, ideal for quickly attaching to and detaching from a hired-in plant. With a magnetic or fixed mounting, the Pro is simple to install and can be powered via their integral battery or wired for more permanent installations.

Zero device

Designed for personal use by field users where GPS accuracy is adequate. The Zero is one of the smallest GPS devices in the world, delivering unbeatable performance and battery life in a simple to carry device.

Case Studies

Get in touch to discuss your project requirements