Connect Privately

The world continues to face an ever-evolving threat landscape with respect to data and business information.

Recent high profile cyber attacks illustrate how businesses of all sizes are being targeted. As digital ways of working become more common, it is critical for organisations to ensure that confidential and private data remains secure and that they do not have to deal with the impact and cost associated with a data or cyber breach.

Legislation, insurance policies and cyber commitments all dictate that a business needs to control access to its data. The ability to manage and control access to data and to securely transport this between sites nationally or globally has many challenges.

A data breach or a ransomware attack can cause your business: to be shut down while you investigate and recover systems direct financial damage, significant reputational damage, you may even face investigation and fines from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Entrusting Onwave with the security of your Data

Onwave help customers to create private and secure connectivity solutions aligned to their business requirements. Our work has included the delivery and management of private networks for Critical National Infrastructure customers and large enterprises including those within Financial and other Regulated Sectors.

Onwave’s in house team of network and security engineers have a wealth of expertise in designing and delivering secure network solutions that combine a range of technologies to meet the requirements of diverse industries.

Private Networks

What are they?

A private network is a discrete network that is not connected to public network (Internet), or that is segregated from the public network. By nature of being private it can have dedicated resources such as network infrastructure or spectrum (Private Mobile) and can limit access to specific users. Private networks can vary in both size and make up using both wired and wireless technologies.

Examples of Private Networks technologies include MPLS, Layer 2 Solutions, Private Mobile Networks and Virtual Private Networks.

Why are they important?

Private Networks ensure you can limit who can access your network and offer an additional layer of protection with traffic / data often remaining on-site or on-net, preventing cyber threats such as man in the middle attacks. This can be particularly relevant for organisations which operate across territories facing different data protection and regulatory constraints.

All businesses have legal obligations with respect to the data that they hold and manage.

Customers need to consider a range of threats and risk types including organised criminals, hackers, insiders/partners, competitors, activists and even disgruntled employees. The motives and the impacts that can cause can include:

  • Financial Theft and Fraud

  • Theft of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

  • Destruction of Critical Infrastructure

  • Reputational Damage

  • Business Disruption

  • Threat to Life/Safety

Onwave are here to support you in designing, implementing and supporting a range of solutions that can prevent the unwanted impact a security event can have on your business, including:

Layer 2 Services

Layer 2 services are those delivered directly using the datalink layer within the TCP/IP network model, traditionally used to move traffic between carriers by establishing private connections, they can also be used by enterprises to keep traffic secure. As the data link layer has no IP addressing it is inherently more secure. Onwave have some unique products and services in this area which include creation of Layer 2 services across Mobile and LEO solutions.



Secure Access Service Edge is a cloud native architecture model that delivers converged network and security as a service capability. These include SD-WAN, Secure Web Gateway, Next Gen Firewall (NGFW), Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) and Zero Trust Network Access. Onwave can support your business with a range of SASE products on a fully managed basis helping you to enhance your overall security.


MPLS – Multiprotocol Label Switching

This is often used in enterprise networks, MPLS can be set up to achieve extremely high levels of security and reliability. MPLS also offers greater flexibility and visibility by supporting more than one service type. With MPLS VPNs, enterprises can securely extend their private IP address space across public IP networks without exposing it to outside threats. Onwave will speed up the role out and flexibility of your MPLS network when compared with the larger Telecoms Operators.



Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) protect data using encryption, which secures information as it traverses the public Internet or other open networks. Onwave use a range of VPN technologies which can be supported over multiple WAN technologies including fixed, LEO and mobile. This gives us the ability to create SD-WAN VPN solutions that can overcome and deliver even where the last mile connection (the connection from the premises to the exchange) is poor.

Case Studies