The Challenge

Scottish Power UK Plc was struggling to connect to mobile workers in remote and mountainous areas of Scotland and Wales that have very poor cellular coverage.

They called Onwave for help to deliver a solution to communicate with more of their mobile workers and boost workforce efficiency.

Our Approach

Onwave ran trials with both Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN) in Wales and Scottish Power Renewables in Scotland to determine the efficacy of their 4 SIM solution.

By installing quad-SIM bonding routers in test vehicles, Onwave greatly improved the connectivity footprint, therefore increasing worker efficiency.

The Result

The Welsh trials gave fantastic results, providing 99.99% connectivity for all mobile staff.

There was no time during the day where a worker was left without at least one mobile network signal; with the added benefit that if more than one connection was detected, both signals would be bonded together to increase bandwidth.

What does the future hold for Onwave and Scottish Power?

The Welsh trials gave fantastic results, providing 99.99% connectivity for all mobile staff.

There was no time during the day where a worker was left without at least one mobile network signal; with the added benefit that if more than one connection was detected, both signals would be bonded together to increase bandwidth.

Continued delivery of constant connectivity to Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN).

Identification and delivery of a bespoke connectivity solution for mobile workers with Scottish Power Renewables.

Collaborating with Scottish Power Renewables to explore the possibility of connected wind turbines on their 31 windfarm sites in the UK.